Welcome to my site!

Hello! I’m Xuan Liu, a third-year Electronic and Information Engineering undergraduate at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. I’m a highly self-motivated researcher and innovator with a robust ability in execution and leadership.

My research interests lie in Trustworthy & Responsible AI, Privacy, Large-Scale Models, and Attack & Defense Algorithms. I’m honored to be supervised by Prof. Song Guo, at HKUST (Hong Kong) during my undergraduate period. Also, I’m thankful for the mentorship by Prof. Quanyan Zhu, at NYU (New York) on interdisciplinary research on Multi-Agent LLM system for social science. I’m currently in my summer Research internship with Prof. Xiaoxiao Li, at UBC (Vancouver) on building the distributed training system for Large-Scale Models.

In addition to academic pursuits, I’m the founder of BreathingCORE, an eco-friendly IoTs technology startup in Hong Kong. I am also an inventor with patents in sustainable energy & negative carbon-related technologies.

For more details about me, please reach out at xuan18.liu@connect.polyu.hk. I am applying for the Fall 2025 PhD program in EECS OR Cognitive-related fields! I can’t wait to contribute innovative ideas and productive work ethics to your team!

What’s New

2024-4 Xuan received the Best Undergraduate Research Project Award! See University Official Posts & Interview at Instagram, LinkedIn.
2024-1 Xuan’s Start-up BreathingCORE won MicroFund Shortlisted Team and has been selected for Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Incubation Program!
2023-12 Xuan won “Outstanding Proposal of Belt and Road Initiatives Youth Creative International Challenge”.
2023-11 Xuan received “98th IEEE-VTC Fall Volunteer Service Award”.
2023-7 Xuan received “Department of Electronic and Information Engineering Scholarship for Hall Residents”.
2023-4 Xuan received “Hong Kong Government-Researching Out Award”.
2023-4 Xuan received “Hong Kong Government-Talent Development Scholarship”.
2023-1 Xuan’s work “MGIA: Mutual Gradient Inversion Attack in Multi-Modal Federated Learning” has been selected to AAAI-23 Student Abstract.
2022-12 Xuan received “Dr Winnie S M Tang-PolyU Student Innovation & Entrepreneurship Scholarship “.
2022-11 Xuan won “Best GPA Award” Department of Electronic and Information Engineering.
2022-8 Xuan received “Shenzhen Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition Outstanding Award”.